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Tree Planting...

Tree Planting...


The mild autumn is allowing good progress with our on-going projects at the park. Work continues on the new extension and Meerkat enclosure, plus our new Tortoise House is roofed and insulated.
Several new animals are due to arrive in the next few weeks, including some species not kept at the Park before. We will announce more as and when we can.
Many paddocks have been re-seeded with a more vigorous grass mix, following the dry summer; and our team has just completed the planting of 200 Eucalyptus trees of ten species. These will make up for the native Willows and Poplars planted at the end of the winter, all of which died in the summer heat and drought. Our existing plantings of Eucalypts all put on good growth as the native trees died, so we hope that the new young trees will do well too.