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A Happy New Year...!

A Happy New Year...!


2020 is here..! This year in June we celebrate our 30th birthday, and will do so with some exciting new additions to continue the expansion of the Parks collection.

Early January sees much news about Zoos doing annual counts. This is of course really just spin for/by the media, as records are kept year round on an on-going basis, and the annual 'stock-take' is actually a desk-top exercise done on a computer.

Some interesting figures result...

The collection of animals at Hamerton Zoo Park consists at 1st January 2020 of over one thousand individual animals of exactly 150 species, comprising the following:

Mammals - 2020 = 63 species (2019 = 57)
Birds - 2020 = 61 species (2019 = 61)
Reptiles - 2020 = 15 species (2019 = 10)
Invertebrates/Fish - 2020 = 11 species (2019 = 14)